Legacy of Faith

I guess you can say I grew up in church. Pretty much every Sunday and most Wednesdays we always went to church. Like so many kids I eye rolled many times with a bad attitude about going. The first church that I can remember always made sure they let us know we were less than because my mom was the only one raising us. (and NO it wasn’t in our heads, they actually made sure we all 3 knew this) My brother and I even went for a few years to their “school” where they still punished by spanking for stupid stuff like kids like me who had issues with memorizing the Presidents in order, etc. (yes I know like who really needed to know in their adult lives the order of those guys) Ok back to the point….

When we finally left both the church and the school I can honestly say I hated the thought of ever going back to a church. I was a pre teen by then and was happy to be able to sleep in on Sundays. However, one day I saw in a newspaper an ad for a new churches youth group called Epicenter. I was immediately drawn to the cool sounding things the ad covered and shockingly enough it was me who encouraged my mom and brother to start attending that church later. As time went on the leaders of that youth group became like family to me. Every time I walked into the building I felt like I was home. I grew more involved and even went on mission trips with them and trained to become a leader (and even shared my testimony and preached multiple times for them). I had found my passion and love of God for the 1st time ever.

However, what I didn’t know at the time but now realize it was thanks to my mom pushing me to go to church as a child that allowed me to be interested and open to the pull of God when I saw that ad in the paper. I credit her to this day of helping plant a seed of faith in me as a child that never left me.

When I graduated high school I strayed from my faith very badly that it almost cost me my life many times over. I chose to follow people who I thought were friends even when I felt God telling me not to and I ended up paying a heavy price, lucky for me it didn’t include my death.

Now after so many years of heart ache I can honestly say I hope I leave my daughter a legacy of faith like my mom has left me. Our faith in God is the only thing we can leave our children that will endure the test of time. Money, material things and memories all fade it is faith that will get us through it all. For all of you out there that has a loved one who is struggling with their faith (or maybe you are struggling) keep praying because I promise God is listening and He promises to never leave nor forsake you. He will bring back those who have strayed. Just like the shepherd watching over the sheep…He is watching and looking for those of us who strays and will go after those who are lost.

Published by S. Barrios

Aspiring writer, advocate for school choice, and health care advocate for those with rare conditions.


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