Legacy of Faith

I guess you can say I grew up in church. Pretty much every Sunday and most Wednesdays we always went to church. Like so many kids I eye rolled many times with a bad attitude about going. The first church that I can remember always made sure they let us know we were less than …

Homeschool during a national emergency…

Our public school system all around our country has been in shock lately. They have been forced to shut down due to this virus. Parents and teachers are having to endure a new reality, homeschooling or for those who would correct me schooling at home. When South Carolina shut down their public school system many …


Because we’re all recovering from something.

When Women Inspire

Inspiring Women in Business, Health & Lifestyle

A Family Blog

Settle in El Paso

New York Family Adventures

Everyone deserves to get away—Find an adventure and get going.

Autism in Our Nest

We are a loving family. Autism is just a part of who we are.

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